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Hence You Are Curious - Intro


నిజమో కాదో తెలియని
ప్రలోభనాలను వద్దనవే !

In the beginning, there was an infinite cosmic ocean engulfed by darkness. And then, there was the seed. What was that seed ?. It could be the desire, the desire to manifest. It could be the word, the vibration leading to the emergence of consciousness. It is what seers experienced when they dwelled deep within their hearts.

And hence, the one before anything projected itself into all this. This is a state of neither real nor unreal. There is the truth in and beyond all this, Something only the realized ones seem to comprehend.

The power of intention of the one before anything has led to the possibility of creation. And the power to act ignited the process of creation. Embedded power of knowledge holding everything. That one seed spiraled into never-ending ripples making the universe, holding the power within itself to sustain, make, and unmake itself. 

Various seers have experienced different realizations upon meditating. For one, it was a golden egg, from which all the universe was born. For another, it was when the one before anything offered itself into the cosmic ocean to give birth to the universe. Nonetheless, it was beyond human comprehension how all this happened. Some have stopped with their first experience, and others have kept questioning and pondering.

Beyond dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins there is a state, where there is no difference between the self and the one before anything. Blessed are the ones who can experience it like a shower endlessly.

Now why are we discussing all about this. Well if you have read up to this point, you are curious. Curious about the existence, curious about the creator. Ultimately curious about your own self. To this point, I have summarized what is discussed about the creation in various works under Sanatana Dharma. I may or may not have accurately summarized, so I will also attach a few references at the end for you to ponder over.

If you think about it, entities like Shiva, Vishnu...etc came into existence long after the creation happened. In fact, the entities are various personifications of the one before anything.The main reason I was interested to write this article is that today any Tom, dick, and Harry from the West is ready to give misinterpreted and demeaned gyaan on our Sanatana Dharma. And out of all that kichidi, people lost a lot of essential understanding required for sanatana dharma. In my next article, I will try my best to explain what are deities and dimensions under sanatana dharma in the most simple way possible. 

References : 
  1. Nāsadīya Sūkta : Rigveda - 10nth mandala - 129 :
  2. Brahma Jnanavali Mala : 20 :


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