It gets hard. Hard to preserve the knowledge and wisdom of the past. Amidst indefinite human stupidity. And one generation will surely and completely stop passing it down. From that day on, Humanity will evolve in a certain direction rapidly. But will lose a connection to their past so important and fundamental to their existence, it becomes almost impossible to revive that because of the dimension they have evolved along.
Today, hormones travel faster than thoughts. We were optimized to move in that direction. Because, there is means. Means to deliver the message. Message to condition the mind of people.
Our minds reward us for bearing garbage, but will penalize, if we even try to contemplate on our own philosophical and moral standpoints.
Who would find time to appreciate the un countable and thorough trials and errors out ancestors had to go through arrive at conclusions about the significance of various days in any year. Who would feel proud, that out ancestors had studied and put into application on what happens from ascent and descent of moon.
Its easy to discard, call it old. But its absolute blasphemy to ignore the effort went into the shastras and sampradayas that are existing.
We are descending into chaos in many aspects. Because we are ignoring significant portion of our ancestors time tested knowledge and wisdom.
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