I just wished to be that which I was not. And just by that mere intention, I was put on the other side of the door and it got locked!.
In confusion, I started crying... I was able to sense something new. And going forward I was told that I was born. And gradually I forgot what I was before this.
In this illusion I fell, I wandered, I laughed, I cried ... And every time I felt the extremities of the illusion I understood that something was missing. I was not sure what it was, maybe in my life, maybe in myself. But there was something that was calling for me all along. This went on for a long time... I indulged myself in various things, none of them being anything out of the ordinary.
But suddenly one day miraculously I find a key and I started to remember the door. Even before I could open the door with the key, she opened the door!...
She asked me "Are you done playing, my child ?". Then there was a realization "Mother never left! I was just dreaming and she woke me up when it was time".